Associazione Fondazione LUCIANO MASSIMO CONSOLI

9 dicembre 2015

Engage with LGBTIQ Activists

Cara Jessica, car ** ** amic,

as Foundation Luciano Massimo Consoli ( we want to remind you that perhaps a coincidence this day of 12 December 2015, in which you want to celebrate the rights of LGBTQI people, is also the 70th posthumous birthday of our friend Massimo Consoli (, which we celebrate with affection by when he left in 2007.

So this year we want to invite you to celebrate with us.

Who was Massimo Consoli, as well as being a personal friend of ours?

In fact Massimo Consoli, born in Rome December 12, 1945 (the day when twenty-four years later, in 1969, burst bombs in Milan and in the capital of which were instrumentally accused anarchists) very young age is committed with personal success in political parties, but It concentrates its maximum interest in the direction of various cultural associations youth, specially homosexuals.
It becomes a regular contributor of The International, and discovered his deep anarchist matrix, but unhappy with Italian cultural provincialism become the "traveling salesman of the revolution", wandering through Europe and everywhere creating groups of anarchists.

In 1971, for editions of the Torch Ragusa sees the light his first book "Notes for a Moral Revolution", while for a year is located in the Netherlands as an animator of the Solidarity Group of Italians Abroad While carefully studying the 'homosexual organization of the Netherlands.

Just in Amsterdam published the "Manifesto for a Moral Revolution: Revolutionary Homosexuality" (with articles by the most European authoritative representatives of omophily, writer Francoise d'Eaubonne, the Jesuit Jan van Kilsdonk, the poet Dario Bellezza and Maurizio Bellotti, the Belgian group of conscientious objectors XYZ, the journalist Pierre Hahn, etc.), while in Sweden, the first Viking and then on Revolt, published his novel 16-22. 

Despite daytime work as a laborer at Fiat in Amsterdam, the evening clean the toilets of an office, then face also the porter to the port, unloading thousands of magazines on behalf of a company that imports newspapers from around the world, collaborating with articles ideological, reviews and news throughout the Italian anarchist press (the International Humanity Nova, Will, A) and America to the Gathering of Refractories (The Call of REFRACTAIRES). He writes for UNI, organ of the International Homosexual World Organization in Denmark; in Sweden for the aforementioned Viking and Revolt in France public on Arcadie then S, then again on Elle et Lui, and so on, until the number comes out in Italian zero OUT! (Italian Revolutionary Homosexual United Front), on which, in response to those who claim to be a phenomenon of homosexuality degeneration petty bourgeois and fundamentally anti-proletarian, it published the controversial article: Homosexuality and Revolution.

In 1972 the groups that already since 1970 in Italy were giving shape to the movement of political struggle for sexual freedom, gay and feminist, will show for the first time in Sanremo manifesting politically against the medicalization and psichiatrizzazionedell'omosessualità by psychologists and psychiatrists, present among others Massimo Consoli, Mario Mieli, Angelo Pezzana and the same Francoise d'Eaubonne.
After the release of  F.U.O.R.I. !, magazine of political organization of the same name (Italian Revolutionary Homosexual United Front), Consoli public NOI , spokesman CIDAMS (Italian Centre for Documentation of Activities for Minority Welfare), a national organization of Italian gay people . The international press defines Consoli "ideologue of the homosexual movement" of our country and also the Italian press, the BBC Panorama, from Espresso to Momento Sera, from Il Messaggero, to Aut, to Paese Sera,  realizes that homosexuals exist.

In 1975 Massimo Consoli is President of the Italian Institute of Social History and national secretary of the CIDAMS, and establishing the International Prize PinkTriangle (Triangolo Rosa) Pier Paolo Pasolini that every November 2 (the anniversary of the death of the poet) rewards the author of the literary stronger work  for the moral evolution, social and civil of homosexuals. Meanwhile promotes the International Tribunal for Crimes Against Homosexuality (TIPCCO), was meant to judge states with repressive laws that persecute homosexuality and sexuality in general, and in 1976 celebrates the Counter-Trial for murder Pasolini.

I'll stop here, because it would be far too long to recount all the tremendous work that Massimo Consoli has played in Italy, America and Europe, regarding the dissemination of knowledge of the history of the revolution and homosexual sex, to Ulrichs, persecution homosexuality by religions, Nazism, Communism, as the fight against AIDS and so I invite you to visit Wikipedia.
I add only that the huge amount of documents (also, publications, books, magazines etc. he collected over his entire life, are kept in the "Fund Consoli" at the Central State Italian Archive in Rome Eur , which are available with the help of the staff of the Archives for the study and dissemination.

On 12 December this year our association participate fully in the March of Rights ( La Marcia dei Diritti ) in Rome , Italy.

Thank you for your attention and patience.
We remain available for further information, cooperation and mutual support


Alba Montori
Join the global LGBTIQ movement!

Please join us at the first OutSummit next Saturday December 12th for a one day conference at CUNY Law School, bringing together international and US-based activists for a day of activist engagement, notable speakers and workshops to address advancing the legal and societal attitudes about sexual orientation, gender identity and intersex issues.

International Human Rights Day at the UN

Each year an established group of LGBTIQ-supportive UN Missions, in partnership with the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, organizes an event to celebrate the human rights of LGBTIQ people on International Human Rights Day. This year the event will focus on the economic cost of excluding LGBTIQ people, and will be hosted at the UN Headquarters on December 10th.

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